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  • What are the benefits of quitting smoking?
    Quitting smoking brings immediate, medium, and long-term benefits, not only for you but also for those around you. These benefits include: Reduction in the risk of various types of cancer, including lung cancer, as well as heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Improvement in respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, and breathing difficulties. Reduction in the risk of lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Decrease in the risk of infertility. The benefits of quitting smoking are noticeable at different time intervals: After 20 minutes: Blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. After 12 hours: Carbon monoxide levels in the blood normalize. After 2 weeks to 3 months: Breathing improves, energy increases, blood circulation enhances, and the risk of heart attack significantly decreases. After 1 to 9 months: Overall well-being gradually increases, coughing and shortness of breath decrease, and breathing becomes easier. After 1 year: The risk of heart attack is cut in half. After 2 to 5 years: The risk of stroke is equivalent to that of non-smokers, and the risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder is halved. After 10 years: The risk of lung cancer is reduced by half, as well as the risk of pancreatic and kidney cancers. After 15 years: The risk of coronary heart disease is comparable to that of non-smokers of the same age and gender.
  • How is the consultation and treatment performed?
    On the day of the consultation, you will meet with our specialist, who will perform a diagnosis, identify various smoking triggers, and then administer the famous ear shock. This is an auriculotherapy technique for smoking cessation, using transcranial electrostimulation. The ear shock involves stimulating specific points on the auricular pavilion that correspond to areas of the brain responsible for smoking addiction, anxiety, stress, and irritability. By stimulating these points, various neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine are released, enhancing the sense of well-being and modulating the endocrine system, thus reducing symptoms associated with cigarette withdrawal. You will also be provided with strategies to cope with smoking cessation, as tobacco addiction extends beyond nicotine dependence. Behavioral, habitual, and routine factors that are intrinsically linked to the urge to smoke will also be addressed.
  • How long does it take?
    Consultations are scheduled in 45-minute increments but may be allocated more or less time depending on your diagnosis and the care the specialist needs to provide within the consultation room.
  • How many sessions are needed?
    The success of this treatment, the so-called ear shock, is related to the fact that one session is sufficient for you to quit smoking.
  • Do you guarantee that the treatment will work for me?
    This question is commonly asked with the expectation of receiving a 100% guaranteed answer. What are the expectations smokers hope to hear? Do we guarantee it?! A miracle, an easy cure, something quick that will make them immediately forget they ever smoked? If we did that, we wouldn’t be taken seriously! Health is not an exact science; it’s probabilistic, and our success rates are excellent. We reiterate, that no medication or treatment can guarantee infallible results.
  • Will I experience withdrawal symptoms?
    While some people manage to quit smoking without much difficulty, without any support or treatment, and without showing symptoms of dependence, for most smokers, quitting is a challenge. Typically, tobacco cessation is associated with withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, smokers will have to learn to deal with the urge to smoke, often triggered by various contexts or socio-behavioral situations. The Viver Sem Fumo method eliminates or significantly reduces the symptoms associated with tobacco withdrawal, but you may still experience some symptoms. You can count on the support of our team, who will assist you in the 6 months following the treatment. Only 3% to 5% of smokers who quit without help remain smoke-free one year after quitting.
  • Do I have a post-treatment follow-up?
    Yes, our mission is to support you during this transformative phase of your life. You can count on continuous follow-up from our multidisciplinary team. You will typically be contacted by our psychologist at the following intervals: 7 days after the treatment 1 month after the treatment 6 months after the treatment However, our team remains available for more continuous support to assist you on your journey towards a smoke-free life.
  • And if I relapse?
    On the path to quitting smoking, it is common to experience both progress and setbacks. The more times you attempt to quit, even if there are relapses, the higher your chances of permanently breaking the habit. After all, if you are reading this, you have likely tried to quit smoking before. A relapse does not mean failure but rather an opportunity to start again, this time with more knowledge on how to handle difficulties. It is important to learn from each experience. If you relapse, we will work together to understand why it happened. This understanding is valuable for increasing your chances of success in the next attempt, during a follow-up consultation! Nevertheless, we remind you that our success rates are quite high, and the percentage of relapses is relatively low. It’s about ensuring, guaranteeing, and strengthening. It’s fundamentally about not giving a relapse the chance to happen.
  • How do you know you have high success rates?
    We conduct follow-ups with our patients at 7 days, 1 month, and 6 months, monitoring the first weeks after treatment to assess their condition and potentially provide additional strategies to remain tobacco-free.
  • I am trying to get pregnant; are there any contraindications?
    Our treatment has no contraindications during the fertility process. If you are trying to conceive, this is the right time to eliminate smoking from your life. Smoking is one of the main causes of reduced fertility, as well as maternal, fetal, and infant morbidity and mortality. If you are considering becoming a mother or father, quitting smoking before conception maximizes the probability of fertilization.
  • I am pregnant, can I undergo this treatment?
    Are you pregnant? Congratulations! Our treatment has no contraindications for pregnant women. Although it is more beneficial for the fetus and the mother to quit smoking before conception or during the early weeks of pregnancy, quitting smoking is always advantageous at any stage of gestation, including the last weeks before delivery. Quitting smoking brings benefits not only for you but also for your baby: Increases the likelihood of a normal delivery; The fetus receives more oxygen and is no longer exposed to the toxic substances in cigarette smoke; Reduces the risk of the baby being born prematurely or with low birth weight; Reduces the risk of medical treatments and prolonged hospitalization after delivery; Increases the chance of a healthy baby and a normal birth; Reduces the risk of fetal and perinatal mortality.
  • What is the composition of the Renew Breath supplements?
    Renew Breath Extra It is the essential detox for a body overwhelmed by the harmful substances of tobacco, with the main objective of accelerating the process of toxin elimination. It also has an antioxidant action against free radicals, aiding in lung decongestion, improving respiratory function, and contributing to weight control or loss. It is composed of Brututo, Artichoke, Fumaria, Boxwood, Boldo, Dandelion, and Red Vine. Renew Breath Calm It is a formula made from highly effective products in reducing stress and anxiety and suppressing cravings and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, the main adversaries in combating the symptoms associated with smoking cessation. Additionally, it helps improve sleep, normalize blood pressure, and enhance heart function. It is composed of Valerian, Chaste Tree, Passionflower, Hawthorn, Chamomile, and Hops.
  • What is my level of dependence?
    The Fagerstrom test assesses your level of physical nicotine dependence. However, remember that tobacco dependence is not limited to nicotine dependence alone, as there are socio-behavioral factors intrinsically associated with cigarette addiction. You can assess your level of dependence HERE! We will respond as soon as possible.
  • Will I gain weight?
    Although our treatment effectively reduces the effects associated with smoking cessation, there is a small percentage of people who have reported weight gain. There are several reasons for this: Habit Replacement: Many people replace the act of smoking with eating more frequently, which can lead to weight gain. Metabolic Changes: Smoking can slightly increase the metabolic rate, and quitting smoking may result in a decrease in this rate, which can contribute to weight gain. Changes in Taste and Smell: When you quit smoking, your sense of taste and smell improves, making food more enjoyable. This can lead to an increase in food consumption. Fluid Retention: Some people have reported fluid retention after treatment, which can also result in temporary weight gain. However, it is important to emphasize that most people who quit smoking using our method do not experience weight gain, and the health benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh the potential side effects, such as weight gain. Additionally, we offer specialized nutritional support if desired, which can help prevent or minimize weight gain after smoking cessation.
  • Can the Viver Sem Fumo method be used for anxiety control?
    The Viver Sem Fumo method was specifically designed for smoking cessation. Still, symptoms associated with nicotine dependence, such as anxiety, stress, irritability, and insomnia, are either eliminated or substantially reduced with our treatment. So yes! The Viver Sem Fumo method can help with the control of anxiety, stress, irritability, and insomnia.
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